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商品訊息簡述: Shopsfashion Christine 蝴蝶結條紋長袖上衣,滿版條紋元素配以蝴蝶結圓領設計,可隨心情來當露肩穿搭,是百搭時尚的潮流單品。

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工商時報【Kevin Wang】

閱讀暖身隨著飲食趨勢改變,早餐穀片銷售大幅下滑。大城市中出現的Cereal Cafe,會是讓穀片翻身的奇招嗎?進入本文前,請先想想以下單字怎麼說:A.與…搭檔 B.增添新風味(增添變數) C.吹捧

In July, Kellogg opened a restaurant in Time Square. A bowl of cereal will cost you $7.50. Its not just cereal, though. Kellogg (A)teamed up with culinary heavyweights to (B)add a twist to cereal experience. For example, Berry Au Lait is frosted Mini-Wheats, ground coffee and fresh Raspberries; The Chai Line is Crispix, fresh peaches, and Chai tea powder. This is not just Kelloggs PR approach, but a reaction to a major sales decline, the Guardian reports.


Breakfast cereal is now facing greater challenge than ever. According to brand consulting firm Stealing Share, “The real change in breakfast habits can be seen in the last 25 years. In recent years, we’ve seen a decline in dairy consumption with fewer and fewer households buying milk and a turn from carbohydrates back to protein consumption. The trend nearly destroyed the orange juice market and has (1)taken its toll on breakfast foods as well.”

穀片早餐正面臨前所未有的挑戰。品牌顧問公司Stealing Share發表的文中提到,「過去25年來早餐習慣徹底改變,奶製品的消耗降低,越來越少家庭購買牛奶,人們也減少攝取碳水化合物,改回補充蛋白質。這股飲食趨勢幾乎消滅盒裝柳橙汁市場,也對早餐食品造成負面影響。」

You’ve probably heard that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” What you may not know is the origin of this proverbial saying: a 1944 marketing campaign launched by American cereal manufacturer General Foods. During the campaign, grocery stores handed out pamphlets that (C)touted the importance of breakfast.

你大概聽過「早餐是一天中最重要的一餐。」但你可能有所不知,這句家喻戶曉的諺語來自何處。它源於1944年美國穀物早餐廠商General Foods的行銷活動。當時雜貨店發送小冊子來宣傳早餐的重要性。

Cereal originated in health sanitariums run by Dr. John Kellogg and others in the 1800s. In addition to preferring whole grains to white bread, Dr. Kellogg believed that too much meat and too many spices had negative side-effects. With deep-seated faith in health food, Dr. Kellogg was (2)dead set against sugared cereal. Much to his chagrin, though, the two most successful cereal entrepreneurs were his brother, Will Kellogg, and one of his former patients, C.W. Post. Both of them made a fast buck by adopting two “magical” ingredients: sugar and advertising.


世界公民,這是商商場百貨業英語的last mile!



工商時報【Kevin Wang】流行

閱讀暖身隨著飲食趨勢改變,早餐穀片銷售大幅下滑。大城市中出現的Cereal Cafe,會是讓穀片翻身的奇招嗎?進入本文前,請先想想以下單字怎麼說:A.與…搭檔 B.增添新風味(增添變數) C.吹捧

In July, Kellogg opened a restaurant in Time Square. A bowl of cereal will cost you $7.50. Its not just cereal, though. Kellogg (A)teamed up with culinary heavyweights to (B)add a twist to cereal experience. For example, Berry Au Lait is frosted Mini-Wheats, ground coffee and fresh Raspberries; The Chai Line is Crispix, fresh peaches, and Chai tea powder. This is not just Kelloggs PR approach, but a reacti大力推薦on to a major sales decline, the Guardian reports.


Breakfast cereal is now facing greater challenge than ever. According to brand consulting firm Stealing Share, “The real change in breakfast habits can be seen in the last 25 years. In recent years, we’ve seen a decline in dairy consumption with fewer and fewer households buying milk and a turn from carbohydrates back to protein consumption. The trend nearly destroyed the orange juice market and has (1)taken its toll on breakfast foods as well.”

穀片早餐正面臨前所未有的挑戰。品牌顧問公司Stealing Share發表的文中提到,「過去25年來早餐習慣徹底改變,奶製品的消耗降低,越來越少家庭購買牛奶,人們也減少攝取碳水化合物,改回補充蛋白質。這股飲食趨勢幾乎消滅盒裝柳橙汁市場,也對早餐食品造成負面影響。」

You’ve probably heard that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” What you may not know is the origin of this proverbial saying: a 1944 marketing campaign launched by American cereal manufacturer General Foods. During the campaign, grocery stores handed out pamphlets that (C)touted the importance of breakfast.

你大概聽過「早餐是一天中最重要的一餐。」但你可能有所不知,這句家喻戶曉的諺語來自何處。它源於1944年美國穀物早餐廠商General Foods的行銷活動。當時雜貨店發送小冊子來宣傳早餐的重要性。

Cereal originated in health sanitariums run by Dr. John Kellogg and others in the 1800s. In addition to preferring whole grains to white bread, Dr. Kellogg believed that too much meat and too many spices had negative side-effects. With deep-seated faith in health food, Dr. Kellogg was (2)dead set against sugared cereal. Much to his chagrin, though, the two most successful cereal entrepreneurs were his brother, Will Kellogg, and one of his former patients, C.W. Post. Both of them made a fast buck by adopting two “magical” ingredients: sugar and advertising.


世界公民,這是商業英語的last mile!


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